Fyre Mystress, has been performing fire
professionally for 2 years now. Belva's performances
have included fashion shows, street festivals, music
festivals, and parades. Belva enjoys bringing a certain
sense of style and fun to fire dancing that audiences
all over enjoy. She also makes non flammable poi as
well as teaches people how to spin poi. Belva is very
excited to be a part of the Summer Fire Garden of
AMY CARR is a professional performing
artist, fire and flag dancer who dazzles audiences with
her spectacular
fire and flag performances. She has performed entensively
throughout the Bay Area and recently in India in venues
ranging from large music, art and dance festivals to sacred
fire rituals on the banks of the Holy Ganges River in Varanassi.
Drawing from ancient Polynesian poi & modern dance,
Amy spins a mesmerizing spell, using vocal improvisation
to invoke the sacredness of the flame, prayers to the eternal
fire in motion. She also creates a similar show using flags,
blacklight wings and zuni poi swings that are wonderful
in blacklight trance dance enviornments and daytime parties.
Stone spinning us into ecstasy.